Monday, October 12, 2009

Kuching Talk 11 : Damai Puri Resort and Spa

I have been in Kuching for more than a month now. It has been quite busy since I arrived here. I found that people here work differently if compared with Kuala Lumpur. They are more relaxing during office hours whereas Kuala Lumpur always rush for time and complete things fast.

I also found that maintain balance in life quiet challenging. I spent a lot of time in works, 8am to 7pm. As such after work, I usually do gym and swim.

Last saturday, I even took 1/2 day leave on afternoon and stayed a night at Damai Puri Resort and Spa, santubong.

However, for some reason, I felt exhausted that night for the 1st time in the history of my time, I leave Kuala Lumpur and here in Kuching. I went to bed at 12 midnight after a tele-conversation with one of my colleague in Kuala Lumpur.


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